Tuesday 5 May 2020

Key Trends on Cloud Data Lake Analytics Adoption and More Concentration on the Data Rules in 2020

Many active data management solution providers that allow new-age companies to find out, review and protect data at scale, today made a few important industry data lake analytics predictions for 2020.

The externally conflicting requires shifting to the cloud while making sure the ability to abide by growing privacy rules has made data governance now a c-level discussion. Eventually, it leads to an exceptional shift in company’s approach to protect and manage data. 

2020 will possibly be extremely transformative in the growth of new data governance strategies and new data lake analytics technology offerings. This post explains the key trends that will have maximum impact on data governance in 2020 such as amplified dependence on multi-cloud, the arrival of new privacy rules and constant growth of data lakes.

Check Out the Key Trends on Cloud Data Lake Analytics Adoption and More Concentration on the Data Rules in 2020:

1. Nearly all the new-age businesses will shift to the cloud data lake analytics with a multi-cloud strategy, which is fueled through a number of factors such as avoiding vendor lock-in, discovering ideal cloud solutions for right workloads and optimizing the costs. New-age businesses are now getting much smarter about cloud migration. The current cloud data lake analytics services are not at all the same, so discovering the perfect one for a specific task avoiding lock-in is very important.

2. More new-age businesses will now have production cloud data lakes. With the growth of the technology pile overall and more machine learning frameworks getting mainstream, the cloud data lake analytics trend that started a few years back, will continue to grow. In 2020, there will be more new-age businesses with production data lakes in cloud running significant workloads for their company. This trend will increase more pressure on the data privacy and data governance teams to ensure data is getting used correctly.

3.  Now data privacy and data security rules are strengthening even more and this is not the end of it. Companies are trying to pass their own privacy rules and there are even mistakes at the federal level. This year companies will definitely witness more and potentially higher fines related to privacy regulations that will force almost each business to re-examine its data governance and data security strategy to ignore the costs and prospective brand damage of non-compliance or a key data infringement.

4. Data discovery will be a primary area of data lake analytics technology investment for new-age businesses. Nearly all data framework and privacy teams will invest in solving for privacy authoritarian compliance and find tools to find the sensitive and confidential data stored in the company. You will witness wider interest in data discovery systems, which can identify sensitive and confidential data so that you can protect and govern it.

5. With the integration of cloud data lake analytics and machine learning companies and a massive revolution in the data platforms landscape, data analytics and machine learning, many companies are emerging as winners. In 2020, we will witness an integration of companies and technologies through acquisitions and amalgamation of projects and initiatives. It will be the starting of the trend of integration that will accelerate even more in 2021.

The above mentioned important trends on cloud data lake analytics adoption and by concentrating more on the data rules in 2020 will help your company deal with data management issues effectively.

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